Took the car to the local Cars and Coffee again. Just as I was leaving my house to go to the show (in the dark pre-dawn), I realized the front headlights weren't working. Long story short, got to the show a little late. I (think I have) diagnosed the problem as a bad connector on the dimmer switch.
The show was fun, and as last time, I got a lot of really good comments, feedback, and kudos. Joe even stopped by with his boy, so it was good seeing him.
After the show, I took the car on my big "round-the-mountain" loop to put another 50 miles or so on it. Rattles continue to drive me a little crazy, and the rear diff gearing is way too short, but otherwise the car is SO MUCH fun to drive. Love this car.
Then, when I got home, I finished assembling the BendPak and with the help of my bride, we got the 1000lb beast turned and oriented under the car. I'm using the lift in a non-standard orientation due to the narrow track width of the Bugeye. It seems to work really well like this, and is stable and solid when all the way up in the air. Will make working on the car so much simpler. Need to order a rolling chair or inclined creeper now. Video:
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