Still nervous about the fix we made to the right-side axle, but the only real way to test it is to start putting miles on the car. So that's exactly what I did yesterday. I've got a favorite drive that encircles the Tucson Mountains. It's about 50 miles in total, traveling through the Saguaro National Park and the Tucson Mountain Park. Beautiful 2-lane rolling/twisty drive. The car behaved well on the drive, though I did jot down a half-dozen tweaks/fixes that occured to me on the drive. Most notable were the 3-4 sheet metal "buzzes" that occur at various speeds. Really hard to localize them with just one person in the car, so will need to bring along a passenger to help me diagnose the locations. You can't fix a problem until you identify it, right? Also need a dead pedal for my left foot, etc... Just various things that will consume my life over the next 6-9 months or so. At least the axles didn't break...
Before the drive, I installed my new driver's side 5-point harness, which is a HUGE improvement over the Crowe units that require everything to slot together. Happy enough that I ordered the passenger side harness, which should show up this week. Sorry for the crappy photo:
Here's the car parked on the side of the road just outside the National Park. Beautiful day for a spirited drive:
Finally, I'm looking hard at buying a shop lift for the car. I have a set of Quick Jacks, but they don't get the car up high enough to be practical. The problem is... well, the choices... and the limited space and height of my tiny garage. Single and dual scissor lifts, short 2-posts, short 4-posts.... argh. Just need to make s decision and get something ordered....
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